Reflexion - Understanding Personal Growth

Rainbow Reflexion by Yvonne Junor

Reflexion - Understanding Personal Growth

By Yvonne Junor

REFLEXION - UNDERSTANDING PERSONAL GROWTH // Today I would like to share my understanding on what ‘Personal Growth’ means to me. 

Part of my routine to maximise my mental health is my ‘Grace, Grit, Gratitude and Growth Journal’. I call it, ‘My Four G’s Journal’. Keeping this journal and focusing on these area’s has come from experimenting with many different methods of journaling throughout my life.


Can you describe the five areas of your life including mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual?

MENTAL - Do I have clarity in how I am thinking and learning? Am I giving myself enough challenges to learn new skills? 

PHYSICAL - Am I maintaining it to my best ability? Do my activities include aerobic, muscle strengthening and flexibility aspects?

EMOTIONAL - Am I in touch with and expressing my feelings in a constructive way? Do I seek help when I feel overwhelmed?

SOCIAL - Do I make enough time for social interaction and relationships? Are these relationships nurturing? Do these relationships encourage growth and strengthen the bonds?

SPIRITUAL - Am I living my spiritual values in a practical way and authentic way? Do I give myself space to connect to the higher realms and be guided by their wisdom to serve others and be of higher service?

My Realisations

Life will always bring us joys and challenges, however, for me being mindful of developing these aspects of my life helps me enormously to live my best life!

Contact me if you would like to chat further…

By Yvonne Junor 🌈 Creative Well-Being Facilitator, Author 'Finding My Rainbow'

#rainbowreflexion #rainbowconnexions #yvonnejunor #personalgrowth

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Reflexion - Understanding Grit


Reflexion - Understanding Grace