Y v o n n e J u n o r


quotes Yvonne Junor quotes Yvonne Junor

Quote - Happiness Is Feeling Good

QUOTE // "Happiness is about feeling good on the inside not about putting a mask on the outside.”

By Yvonne Junor 🌈 Arts and Crafts Facilitator, Author 'Finding My Rainbow'

#quotes #rainbowconnexions #yvonnejunor #energy #sparkle#attract

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quotes Yvonne Junor quotes Yvonne Junor

Quote - Never Let Anyone Dull

QUOTE // "Never let anyone dull your sparkle. Be the energy you want to attract”

By Yvonne Junor 🌈 Arts and Crafts Facilitator, Author 'Finding My Rainbow'

#quotes #rainbowconnexions #yvonnejunor #energy #sparkle#attract

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quotes Yvonne Junor quotes Yvonne Junor

Quote - Perspective Is Observing

QUOTE // "Perspective is observing the world outside of ourselves. Perception is our interpretation of the world around us, unique to ourselves”

By Yvonne Junor 🌈 Arts and Crafts Facilitator, Author 'Finding My Rainbow'

#quotes #rainbowconnexions #yvonnejunor #perspective #perception

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