
Here’s some interesting background to the history of Halloween. It is believed that the Europeans in ancient times to celebrate the end of summer built bonfires to frighten away the ghosts, who supposedly, roamed free on the last day of October. These observances may have originated with the Druids who believed on that particular evening - Lord of the Dead, assembled the souls of those who had died during the past year. Halloween is an ancient Celtic name for the evening before All Hallows or All Saints Day which is celebrated on November 1st. ‘Hallow’ means ‘holy’ and e’en’ is short for evening. The custom for people to dress like ghosts and light bonfires was intended to ward off ghosts. Traditionally, turnips were hollowed out with carved faces and illuminated by a candle to frighten away witches and goblins. It is said this time is one of the thinnest veils between the living and those who have passed.


